[intrepid-notify] Upcoming scheduling changes

Tisha Stacey tstacey at alcf.anl.gov
Mon Nov 17 17:01:33 CST 2008

On December 1, we will be making some changes to the scheduling on
Intrepid.  This is one step in a sequence to improve the scheduling on
the system.

The short and medium distinction in the development queue (prod-devel)
will be eliminated.  The scheduling will be identical to Surveyor:  a
single queue, maximum run time of 1 hour.  Shorter and smaller jobs
will have higher priority.

The production queues will look much simpler.  There will be one
queue:  prod.  In this queue, priority is higher for larger jobs and
is also a function of how long a job has been in the queue relative to
its requested wall-clock time.  The maximum run time will be 12 hours.

These changes have been tested for several weeks on a non-production
resource, and all indications are that, as a function of requested wall
clock time and job size, job turn-around is very good.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact us at
support at alcf.anl.gov.

Thank you,
ALCF Support Team

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