[intrepid-notify] Fwd: Reminder: Where's William? (March 27, 2009)

William Scullin wscullin at alcf.anl.gov
Thu Mar 26 14:23:27 CDT 2009

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick reminder that I'll be at PyCon all day tomorrow and I've
taken it as a vacation day (ie:absence knows). While I'll be online,
I'm trying to see if I can learn a bunch of useful stuff and teach
others less useful stuff - I'll only be replying to questions about
things catching on fire or the death of the whole machine. If you've
got a lot of extra bucks, nothing to do this weekend, and are a
glutton for punishment:


I am the session chair for a talk on multiprocessing (#69) and will be
giving a quick "Lightning talk" about the process of building Python
for /P and a quick demo of a working mpi4py application. If you're
curious, but can't make it, I think they'll be taping it, but I can't
confirm that. If you look at the other sessions (
http://us.pycon.org/2009/conference/schedule/ ) and you see something
interesting, let me know and I'll see about getting you video / notes
/ contact info.

- William

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