[intrepid-notify] Intrepid/Eureka maintenance complete

Tisha Stacey tstacey at alcf.anl.gov
Mon Nov 2 18:13:12 CST 2009

Our regularly scheduled maintenance on Intrepid and Eureka has concluded, and the system has been released back to normal use.

During today's maintenance, IBM's latest driver, version V1R4M0, was made available on Intrepid.  You may wish to recompile or relink your code (although it may not strictly be necessary.)  We will re-send the announcement dated Oct. 28, 2009, which contains more details.

As well, a new column was added to the default output of qstat -f today.  The "Score" column shows the utility scores of jobs in the queue.  Jobs with larger scores are next to run.

As a reminder, it is possible to customize what gets shown by qstat and by qstat -f by setting environment variables.

The QSTAT_HEADER variable affects qstat, and QSTAT_HEADER_FULL affects qstat -f.  Each variable takes a colon separated list of column names.  For example, to just add the score to the default qstat output, one could set:

QSTAT_HEADER to JobID:User:Score:WallTime:Nodes:State:Location

One can find the list of possible column names by looking at the output of qstat -lf.

Please contact support at alcf.anl.gov with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Thank you,
The ALCF Support Team

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