[intrepid-notify] ALCF Weekly Updates - April 14, 2011

ALCF User Services support at alcf.anl.gov
Thu Apr 14 14:25:55 CDT 2011

***INCITE Call for Proposals is Open***
The Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program provides large allocations of computer time and resources for use in transformational advances in science and engineering. This year, 1.7 billion core hours will be awarded through a peer-reviewed process to researchers in academia, government, research organizations and industry with projects that can effectively use a significant portion (20 percent or more), of the program's HPC systems (at the ALCF and Oak Ridge). Allocation requests can be from 1 to 3 years, and average awards will likely exceed 20 million processor hours. DOE sponsorship is not required, and international researchers are eligible. Proposals are due no later than June 30th. For details, visit: http://hpc.science.doe.gov/.

***Register Now for Leap to Petascale: June 7-9***
Ready to take your code to the next level? Ready to scale and run on 40 racks of Blue Gene/P? At Leap to Petascale, you'll work hands-on with our experts in performance and computational science to fine-tune your code, learn directly from the developers of performance tools and debuggers ways to improve your code performance with these powerful tool, and run on the full Intrepid system. Registration is required. For more information or to register, please visit: http://workshops.alcf.anl.gov/petascale2k11/.

***User Tip: Getting through the Queue Faster***
If you have a 12-hour job that is 4096 nodes or smaller, consider breaking it into two six-hour jobs that depend on each other. Small jobs that are short (six hours or less) have access to more of the machine than small jobs that are long. See https://wiki.alcf.anl.gov/index.php/Job_Scheduling_Policy#User_interface for the map of the 40 racks of Intrepid that shows how much more prod-short can access than prod-long. Contact the Help Desk at support at alcf.anl.gov for assistance.

***Regularly Scheduled Maintenance Monday the 18th***
Routine maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. CDT (14:00 UTC), Monday, April 18. Please watch the "notify" list for projected and actual release times. Please contact the Help Desk with any concerns at support at alcf.anl.gov.

***Important Dates***
April 15: SC11 tutorials/panel proposals due: http://sc11.supercomputing.org/?pg=dates.html
April 18: INCITE researcher Thomas Jordan, Center Director, Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) to speak at Argonne: http://www.alcf.anl.gov/news/eventsdetail.php?id=1191
April 18: Regularly Scheduled Maintenance 
April 28: Monthly ALCF User Call: http://www.alcf.anl.gov/news/eventsdetail.php?id=1187
May 9-13: ScicomP17: http://www.spscicomp.org/ScicomP17
May 23: SC11 workshop proposals due: http://sc11.supercomputing.org/?pg=dates.html
June 7-9: Leap to Petascale workshop at the ALCF. Registration required: http://workshops.alcf.anl.gov/petascale2k11/

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