[intrepid-notify] Intrepid/Challenger/Eureka maintenance complete

Tisha Stacey tstacey at alcf.anl.gov
Tue Jan 10 00:06:38 CST 2012

Our regularly scheduled maintenance on Intrepid, Challenger, and Eureka has concluded, and the system has been released back to normal use.

Please note that the /home filesystem is now mounted read-only on the Intrepid and Challenger I/O nodes.  If your code or scripts don't write their output to /intrepid-fs0 by default, you can use the --cwd <path> option to qsub to direct job output to an /intrepid-fs0 directory.

We appreciate your patience during this extended maintenance period.  Please contact support at alcf.anl.gov with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Thank you,
The ALCF Support Team

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