[intrepid-notify] ALCF Weekly Updates - October 4

ALCF User Services support at alcf.anl.gov
Thu Oct 4 16:34:21 CDT 2012

*** IBM XL Compilers Updated ***
The August 2012 update of the IBM XL compilers (XL C/C++ and XL 
Fortran has been installed on Intrepid, Challenger, and 
Surveyor. This update addresses a number of outstanding compile-time and 
run-time issues.  Users are encouraged to test their code with the new 
compiler by using the .softenvrc key "+ibm-compilers-aug2012".

For additional instructions on setting the compiler version, please see 
The default XL compiler version remains the April 2012 version at this 
time. The August 2012 update is scheduled to become the default on 
Surveyor on October 15, and on Intrepid/Challenger November 12.

*** User Tool for Core Files ***
Core files are regular text files, and much information can be taken 
from them just by reading the file in an editor. For example, the signal 
that kills the job normally tells the reason. More details can be 
obtained if the code was compiled and linked with "-g" option -- a user 
may unwind the stack and identify the full path of the function calls, 
with line numbers in the source files, right to the point where the 
crash has occurred. /soft/apps/coreprocessor.pl is one of the many tools 
that can help users deal with core files and obtain a post-mortem stack 

*** ALCF Now Enforcing Storage Quotas for Intrepid /home ***
As of September 17, quotas are now enforced. If you exceed your quota 
limit in /home, you will be unable to write files to the file system. 
For more information on quotas, visit 
or refer to FAQs 
(http://www.alcf.anl.gov/resource-guides/faqs-data-management). If your 
storage needs exceed the standard quota limit, please email 
support at alcf.anl.gov with a requested amount, a brief description of the 
type of files you need to locate there (executables, libraries), and how 
storing the files in /home helps your efforts.

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