[Llvm-bgq-discuss] bgclang r185769-20130706 on vesta/mira

Erik Schnetter schnetter at cct.lsu.edu
Sun Jul 14 22:42:13 CDT 2013

On 2013-07-14, at 0:02 , Hal Finkel <hfinkel at anl.gov> wrote:

> Erik,
> I've updated the installs on vesta/mira to fix this issue as well. First, the underlying problem was that structures that contain a vector4double a member need to have at least 32-byte alignment on the stack. LLVM had been getting this right for most things, but not when passing the structure *by value* to a callee (which requires a separate copy be made for use by the callee).
> Also, I'd like to make the following point (for everyone): Because of the way that the PowerPC ABI is defined, passing an aggregate, no matter how small or simple internally, is never exactly the same as passing raw data types. At best, it costs you some extra stack space. But...
> struct wrapper {
>  vector4double x;
> };
> foo(struct wrapper x) { ... }
> bar(vector4double y) { ... }
> When you call bar(y) then y should be passed directly in one of the QPX vector registers. When you call foo(x), then x is passed in a collection of 64-bit general-purpose registers (as are all aggregates), and/or on the stack (depending on how many other function parameters there are and in what order they appear). In C++, it is almost always better to pass by const reference (unless you really do need a copy to modify):
> foo(const wrapper &x) { ... }
> which should be just as easy for the compiler to inline, but is much more efficient if you end up with non-inlined calls.


Thanks for the pointer regarding the ABI. I assumed this already after looking at the disassembled machine code, but didn't make the connection that passing arguments by reference is then more efficient on PowerPC systems. Note that the x86_64 ABI explicitly specifies that such structs are passed in registers, which means that passing arguments by value is more efficient in this case. But I should switch the PowerPC template specializations to using references.


Erik Schnetter <schnetter at cct.lsu.edu>

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