[Llvm-bgq-discuss] bgclang r205936-20140409 on vesta/mira

Hal Finkel hfinkel at anl.gov
Thu Apr 10 11:53:16 CDT 2014

Hello again,

I've updated our bgclang install on vesta and mira to r205936-20140409. Two noticeable changes:

 1. The toolchain is now setup to use libc/libstdc++ files from the /bgsys/drivers/toolchain/V1R2M1_base_4.7.2 -- this gives access to a more-recent environment for C/C++03 compilation, and furthermore, is necessary to make (at least one part of) Boost work with bgclang++11. You don't need to be on a system running V1R2M1 (Mira is not yet, for example) to make use of this.

 2. There are more OpenMP 4 features available for you to play with:
   - '#pragma omp simd' (and friends) should now work (in the sense that there is a reasonable probability that it will cause QPX to be generated)
   - '#pragma omp task depend(...)' is supported (for the most part; I think there are still some corner cases where the compiler support is ahead of the runtime).
    Please try these things out and let me know what you find.

For those maintaining their own installs, RPMs (and SRPMs) are available on the trac page: https://trac.alcf.anl.gov/projects/llvm-bgq -- If your system does not have /bgsys/drivers/toolchain/V1R2M1_base_4.7.2 unpacked, and you can't get a copy of those files, please let me know.

Finally, for those strange creatures wanting to run the compiler from the A2 login or I/O nodes, I believe this build should now work for you again. ;)

Thanks again,

Hal Finkel
Assistant Computational Scientist
Leadership Computing Facility
Argonne National Laboratory
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