Hello,<br><br>I have benchmarking my code on Vesta and, while I have been seeing excellent strong scaling, I am a little underwhelmed by the wall-clock timings relative to my desktop (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1603 0 @ 2.80GHz). I am using the newest version of bgclang++ on Vesta, and g++-4.7.2 on my desktop (both used -O3), and I am seeing roughly a factor of four difference in performance on the same number of cores. <br>
<br>If I ignored the fact that I am using a vendor math library on BGQ and reference implementations on my desktop, I would expect the BGQ timings to be a factor of 1.75 slower due to clockspeed differences. Would anyone have an explanation for the additional factor of more than 2x? My algorithm spends most of its time in sin/cos/sqrt evaluations and dgemm with two right-hand sides.<br>