[dcmf] RE: [MPICH2 Req #3926] Open source release of the BGP changes to MPICH2

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Sat Feb 16 12:28:14 CST 2008

> Git might be able to do something clever with the SVN history to ease
> the merge:  
> https://svn.mcs.anl.gov/repos/mpi/mpich2/branches/release/MPICH2_1_0_7/

I should probably point out that there have been some changes before we 
migrated to SVN after the 1.0.6p1 release, which the SVN server does not 
have. So, completely relying on automated tools might miss out a few 
(likely trivial) changes.

If you would like to take "help" from existing tools that manage git and 
SVN, there is a utility called git-svn which allows you to use a GIT 
client with an SVN server (like at Argonne). But I'm not sure if it 
supports merging an existing git code base with git-svn code, but you 
can try.

  -- Pavan

Pavan Balaji

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