[intrepid-notify] ALCF Intrepid Backfill Scheduling Change Notification

Bowen Cheetah Goletz cheetah at alcf.anl.gov
Thu Jun 17 15:42:05 CDT 2010

Beginning Monday June 21, changes will be made to the backfill scheduling 
algorithm.  These changes will only affect jobs for INCITE projects with 
negative balances. Priority in the backfill queue will now be assigned inversely 
proportional to the amount of negative balance accrued, as a percentage of the 
project's original awarded allocation.  Projects with a higher negative balance 
percentage will receive lower priority in the backfill queue and likely see 
longer backfill queue wait times. Please note that the number of jobs a user may 
have in the backfill queue is limited to 10, and the number of running jobs is 
limited to 5.

Please direct any questions to support at alcf.anl.gov

-ALCF Support Team

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