[intrepid-notify] ALCF Weekly Updates - June 22

ALCF User Services support at alcf.anl.gov
Thu Jun 23 19:34:06 CDT 2011

*** Intrepid Takes #1 Spot on Graph 500 List ***
Announced yesterday at ISC'11, Intrepid has topped the Graph 500 list for the second year. The list ranks supercomputers based on their performance on data-intensive applications (http://www.graph500.org/specifications.html) and thus complements the Top 500 list that is based on the LINPACK benchmark (http://www.top500.org/project/linpack).

*** INCITE 2012 Call for Proposals Ends June 30 ***
The Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program provides large allocations of computer time and resources for use in transformational advances in science and engineering. This year, 1.7 billion core hours will be awarded through a peer-reviewed process to researchers in academia, government, research organizations and industry with projects that can effectively use a significant portion (20 percent or more), of the program's HPC systems (at the ALCF and OLCF). Allocation requests can be from 1 to 3 years, and average awards will likely exceed 20 million processor hours. DOE sponsorship is not required, and international researchers are eligible. Proposals are due no later than June 30. For details, visit: http://hpc.science.doe.gov/.

*** Parallelize Your Code at SciDAC 2011 Tutorials Day, July 15 ***
In conjunction with the annual SciDAC conference (in Denver Colorado this year), the SciDAC Outreach Center has organized a full day of tutorials. You need to register for them separately at: https://outreach.scidac.gov/scidac2011/tutorials/. This year's tutorials include presentations on visualization packages, libraries and  tools, as well as hadoop for scientific computing. While registration is required, attendance is free and open to all. 

*** Maintenance Monday: June 27 ***
Routine maintenance for Intrepid and Eureka, Surveyor and Gadzooks will begin at 9 a.m. CDT (14:00 UTC) Monday, June 27. Please watch the "notify" list for projected and actual release times. Contact support at alcf.anl.gov with questions. 

*** Important Dates ***
June 27: Regularly scheduled maintenance
June 30: INCITE Proposals Due: http://hpc.science.doe.gov/
June 30: Monthly ALCF User Call: http://www.alcf.anl.gov/news/eventsdetail.php?id=1257
July 10-14: SciDAC 2011, Colorado: http://press.mcs.anl.gov/scidac2011/
July 15: SciDAC 2011 Tutorials Day: https://outreach.scidac.gov/scidac2011/tutorials
SC11 - Important Dates: http://sc11.supercomputing.org/?pg=dates.html

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